In these days of ever-increasing energy bills, consumers are constantly looking for ways to reduce this significant household expense. Pool pumps are usually turned on around the same time as our air conditioners, creating a double-hit to high electric bills.
Depending on individual electric rates, a conventional swimming pool motor will consume three to four dollars in electric per day to operate. That adds up to about $650 per season in Ohio.
Variable speed pool motors consume about the same amount of electric when running on full speed. For most residential pools, this high flow rate is simply not necessary to keep your pool clear and clean. Variable speed pumps can be programmed to run at much lower RPMs. The electrical savings is significant at these lower speeds.
In fact, most consumers can cut the cost of operating their pool motor by 80 to 90% in a season.
A high-efficiency pool pump costs about twice that of a conventional pool motor. However, the difference can be made up in reduced electric bills in as little as on swim season for those who enjoy longer swimming seasons.
Electric providers are beginning to get on board and some offer consumer rebates to their customers who purchase these energy-saving devices. Be sure to check with your energy provider about available rebates.
As pool professionals, we highly recommend high-efficiency pool motors to our clients. Not only do they pay for themselves over time, but they’re also built to last twice as long as a normal pool pump. Our customers also enjoy how quiet they run – you’ll often not even know they’re running. Peace and quiet in your backyard is a very good thing!